Friday, November 06, 2009

Please, I'm begging you:

If there's anybody out there who reads/speaks German fluently, or who can read/speak technical German, could you contact me at the link to the right, under "Speak"?

Years ago I posted about a Mercedes Selekta typewriter I'd found, and about how I couldn't translate the manual. It turns out that there's a very pleasant person out in the ether with the same trouble, and more than that, his machine is broken. The manual is in the most dense, multisyllabic German I have ever seen, so I can't be of any help to him. I'm hoping we could at least get some of the manual translated, so his machine will become un-stuck.

Many, many thanks. Of all the requests I've gotten over the years of having this blog, this was the most charming. (Or second most-charming; I dunno.)

1 comment:

Celeste said...

I'm going to ask my Facebook friend Manuela to contact you. She speaks German. She lives in Vancouver BC, so there is a big time difference, but hopefully she can help.